Tripolymer Insulation
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" gas bills during winter months were cut in half."
- Mr P., Regent Square, PA


Technical Specifications for Tripolymer Inc. Injection Foam Insulation

Every so often a customer will ask, “Well how come I’ve never heard about Tripolymer Inc. Injection Foam Insulation?” The fact is you probably have, but let’s face it; Foam Insulation isn’t something the average person takes a great interest in until it’s really needed. For example, Tripolymer Inc. has been advertising extensively over many years on TV, on the Internet, and in magazines, such as Popular Mechanics, Better Homes & Gardens, and numerous construction magazines and trade journals.


Technical Data for Tripolymer Inc. Injection Foam Insulation

Thickness ASTM Test Method Results
Thermal Conductivity ASTM C-518
R, HR. Ft2 – °F/BTU
 at 75 degrees mean 4.32
at 55 degrees mean 4.58
at 35 degrees mean 4.84
at 0 degrees mean 5.10
Surface Burning Characteristics ASTM E-84
Flame Spread 5
Smoke Development 0
Fuel Contribution 0
Density lbs./ft3 0.9-1.9
Dimensional Stability Variable 0.5%-1.5%
pH Dry Foam  6.0-7.0
Closed Cell Content Variable 40-50%
Open Cell Content Variable  50-60%
Toxicity Non-Toxic
Fungi Resistance ASTM G21 Resistant

A. Manufacturing
Foam-in-place insulation shall be manufactured in the USA. Both of the “A” component (resin) and “B” component (catalyst) shall bear the manufacturing lot #, date and product descriptions and be accompanied with the proper SDS.

B. Material
The foam-in-place Tripolymer Inc. Injection Foam Insulation system shall consist of the A component (resin) and B component (catalyst) supplied by Tripolymer Inc. Thickness shall be in accordance with architectural drawings. The insulation shall have the following physical properties:

  1. Density of 0.9 – 1.9 lb/ft.3
  2. Fire Characteristics ASTM E-84
    Flame Spread 5
    Smoke 0
    Fuel Contributions 0
  3. Open Cell Content: 40-50%
  4. Closed Cell Content: 50-60%

C. Installation
Materials shall be installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions through equipment manufactured by Tripolymer Inc. and by a Tripolymer Inc. trained/certified insulation contractor with a current certification.

Product Description
Tripolymer Inc. Injection Foam Insulation products are made up of a phenolic-based copolymer foam. They are distributed exclusively by Tripolymer Inc.  Tripolymer Inc. Injection Foam Insulation is a specially designed wall foam system consisting of two components: an aqueous resin solution (A) and foaming agent/catalysts (B). These materials are ratioed together with compressed air in specially engineered metering and pumping system equipment made by Tripolymer Inc.

Tripolymer Inc. Injection Foam Insulation can be installed in any wall cavity through 1″ – 3″ holes. Initial set time takes approximately 10 – 30 seconds. Final curing time is within 48 – 72 hrs., depending upon thickness. Tripolymer Inc. Injection Foam Insulation is a cold setting process and independent of ambient temperatures. There is no further expansion once the foam leaves the delivery hose and enters the wall cavity.

Tripolymer Inc. Injection Foam Insulation is only installed by trained and certified dealers of Tripolymer Inc. Specially engineered equipment has been designed by Tripolymer Inc. for the application of Tripolymer Inc. Injection Foam Insulation and is required for the installation of our injection foam.

Thermal Stability
There is no thermal degradation or reduction in R value over time with Tripolymer Inc.’s products. Most polyisocyanurates, polyurethane, and expanded polystyrenes degrade over time, resulting in lower R values.

NOTE: Tripolymer Inc. Injection Foam Insulation is not a polyurethane, polyisocyanurate or expanded polystyrene product. It does not contain any petrochemicals or fire retardant chemicals. Tripoylmer Inc. Injection Foam Insulation, when exposed to intensive heat or flame, does not drip or produce smoke.

This material should not be used against surfaces with temperature in excess of 212°F for prolonged periods of time.
The foam will not support a compressive load nor should it be used as a flotation device, or underground without adequate protection.

Product Guide Specification

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